NVMe SSD drive TRIM or defragmented

Professional / Workstation / Server Edition
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NVMe SSD drive TRIM or defragmented

Beitrag von ReneM » So 13. Sep 2020, 14:47

Sorry for my post in English, but I have too much difficulty with German.

As most people are aware, O&O defrag has for a very long time not been able to know the difference between some SSD drives and traditional hard drives. That problem may have been solved a few months ago. Maybe maybe not.

However, I experienced the other day a strange incident related to TRIM of my SSD drive.
For the past 10 weeks, after the bug fix, O&O defrag has shown both brown, black and white, but mostly red markings after TRIM.
On August 30, that changed and everything turned gray after TRIM.

Please see photo documentation here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i5fiw3lz0yhdd ... g.png?dl=0

It makes me a little uneasy, especially since I know the previous course of incorrect SSD recognition - does it work as it should?

I am obviously a little uneasy as this sudden change does not make sense to me.

Why the big differences with blocks in many colors and then suddenly only gray blocks - after 10 weeks?

Usually a TRIM takes 1-3 seconds, but I can see that it has also taken 23 seconds.
This is impossible because I only have Windows and programs on the C: drive and all my data, including Documents, Pictures, Movies, etc. on a traditional drive.

Has my SSD drive been treated properly in the last 10 weeks?

I am looking for an answer with a good and credible explanation.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Brigitte (O&O)
Beiträge: 1058
Registriert: Mo 27. Jun 2011, 13:06

Re: NVMe SSD drive TRIM or defragmented

Beitrag von Brigitte (O&O) » Mo 14. Sep 2020, 14:38

Hi Rene,

You have opened already a ticket two weeks ago for this issue. It would be helpful if you could reply to our question.
Brigitte (O&O)

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Mo 24. Feb 2020, 21:22

Re: NVMe SSD drive TRIM or defragmented

Beitrag von ReneM » Mo 14. Sep 2020, 15:06

That's right Brigitte, on September 1st I contacted support@oo-software.com with my question, but (unfortunately as expected) I only received the following useless answer back:

Thank you for contacting us.
If I understand you correctly, it is a sudden change without any prior changes to your computer or O&O Defrag? Please run a analysis and then TRIM. Does it make a difference?

My inquiry was well documented with photo documentation, but was unfortunately not answered as desired :-(

I am therefore trying here in the forum :-)

I also just found out that there has also been a 'TRIM' with a duration of 49 seconds, but which I unfortunately strongly suspect has been a defragmentation.

See screenshot here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o0o9xbse208jn ... k.png?dl=0

Brigitte (O&O)
Beiträge: 1058
Registriert: Mo 27. Jun 2011, 13:06

Re: NVMe SSD drive TRIM or defragmented

Beitrag von Brigitte (O&O) » Di 15. Sep 2020, 10:10

Dear Rene,

your issue is not reproducable therefore we had to ask a "useless" question. Sorry for that stupid idea. Would have been nice to give a feedback though. Anyways, TRIM is TRIM and never a defragmentation.
Brigitte (O&O)

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Mo 24. Feb 2020, 21:22

Re: NVMe SSD drive TRIM or defragmented

Beitrag von ReneM » Di 15. Sep 2020, 18:44

First I ask you how I can include a screenshot in a post, but Brigitte, you just answer that I can write for support.
Excuse me, but that did not answer my question.

Then I send to your support@oo-software.com my observation about a possible defragmentation of my SSD drive which probably should be a TRIM, but also here I just get asked questions and suggestions.
I did not need help with that, it was some useful answers I wanted. I did not get them, so therefore I try here in the Forum instead.
That's probably why it's here.

I'm very insecure at O&O Defrag, because I can see strange things happening and because I know of the 8 months where the program could not even see the difference between SSDs and regular hard drives.

Brigitte, you can keep claiming that TRIM is TRIM and not a defragmentation, but why don't I get an explanation for all these colored blocks the program moves around with, by the weekly 'TRIM' since version 23.5.5019, the last 2½ month?

1. Has my NVMe SSD drive been defragmented in all these weeks?
2. Why are the blocks moved around and why does the alleged TRIM take 49 seconds and not 1-3 seconds as normal?

My Data drive, on a traditional 2 Gb HD, defragments in just 32 seconds when it comes to Through and otherwise shorter.
See Screenshoot here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fi08rp1sw6u5u ... v.png?dl=0

The questions are very simple and straightforward and should be able to be answered instead of proposing different measures.

Is it just me who doubts the actions of O&O Defrag, or am I not alone.

I mean, with the documentation I have presented, one can only be in doubt, in the same way as when the program for 8 months defragmented the users' SSD drive, without any intervention.

I want useful correct answers to my simple questions and not an offer to get an refund.
In the interest of all users.

Brigitte (O&O)
Beiträge: 1058
Registriert: Mo 27. Jun 2011, 13:06

Re: NVMe SSD drive TRIM or defragmented

Beitrag von Brigitte (O&O) » Mi 16. Sep 2020, 12:53

Dear Rene,

I assume that there is something wrong at all. A "thorough" defragmentation never runs in under 1 minute for a 2 TB volume. Unless it's empty - what it's not. Please upload the related report.
Brigitte (O&O)

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Mo 24. Feb 2020, 21:22

Re: NVMe SSD drive TRIM or defragmented

Beitrag von ReneM » Sa 19. Sep 2020, 14:51

Now I'm afraid things are starting to get mixed up.
My Data drive reference in my last post was just an example of the time factor of a defragmentation.

Let it be quite clear that there is nothing wrong with the defragmentation of my other traditional hard drives in any of my machines.

We therefore only have to deal with the questions asked about TRIM / Defragmentation of my NVMe SSD drive - and nothing else.

However, to justify my claim about the rapid defragmentation of traditional drives, I have uploaded a screenshot of all my hard drives on my other computer. See screenshot here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fv8k26yzfyoig ... e.jpg?dl=0

The time it takes to defragment a drive depends, among other things, of how many changes have been made to the drive since the last defragmentation. I think we can all agree on that :-)
However, there are obviously divided opinions about how quickly a defragmentation can be performed.

My drives, where F and G are not defragmented automatically on a daily basis, but only periodically manually, as it makes no sense to frequently defragment these two drives:

C: (2 sec. TRIM)
F: (6m3s.) Used for all types of Temp/Tmp
G: (4h50m) Backup drive, where daily i.a. System Image is created
H: (12 sec.) Data drives which periodically does not change very much
I: (2 sec.) Installations (storage of all my purchased programs)
M: (11 sec.) Movies and animations where changes rarely occur in periods

As can be seen, a defragmentation does not take very long on a drives with few and small changes, while drives with e.g. large new backups, such as System Image, take a very long time.
Defragmentation of regular hard drives can thus take from a few seconds to several hours, which was what I just wanted to highlight in my last post.

Brigitte, a Through defragmentation can thus easily be performed in less than 1 minute as I stated in my last post.

So there is nothing abnormal here with me - apart from the questions regarding my NVMe SSD drive, with colored blocks and 49 sec. for a "TRIM".

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Mo 24. Feb 2020, 21:22

Re: NVMe SSD drive TRIM or defragmented

Beitrag von ReneM » Sa 26. Sep 2020, 16:47

Well - it seems I'm the only one who does not quite trust that my NVMe M.2 SSD drive is being handled properly.

For information, it looks like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g2nrufrruux0w ... M.png?dl=0

I expected (as on my other computer with O&O Defrag version 20 and a Samsung 850 Pro SSD) that the blocks should all be gray and not colored.
Furthermore, I was of the opinion that a TRIM (just like on my other machine) would take a maximum of 1-3 seconds.

Well, I do not trust that it is normal and only TRIM is performed, even though Brigitte claims otherwise.

On both my machines, my traditional drives defragment in 2-12 seconds when there have been no major changes, but my NVMe M.2 uses up to 49 seconds for a TRIM.
It should be noted that on my NVMe M.2 drive is only Windows. Everything else, including Documents, Photos, Video, Music, Downloads, etc., is located on another traditional drive. Even Windows TMP folders have their own small hard drive to minimize writing on the SSD drive :-)

So I do not trust the program and no longer have the time and energy to fight against better knowledge.

I hereby close my post and let Windows TRIM my SSD drive. It is both safe and completely free :-)

Take good care of yourself and your precious NVMe drives.

Don't forget to buy the new annual version for defragmentation - it probably contains many new ways to do it :-)

Have a nice weekend :D

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Registriert: So 22. Nov 2020, 20:24

Re: NVMe SSD drive TRIM or defragmented

Beitrag von AlJones » So 22. Nov 2020, 20:40

You all are not the only ones with ssd / hdd confusion but mine's the other way round.

My system disk is a WD SSD, however I also have a passport 4TB partitioned into 4 1TB drives. Seems as if the later version of O&O Defrag 23 and the new v24 see the partitions as SSD's

I reported this and was told that they couldn't reproduce the problem. When I offered to do whatever they needed - within reason - to help resolve the issue I was told they couldn't replicate the issue and closed the ticket.

I've been an O&O user, literally, for years and am frustrated with a program that worked so well for so long now.

Yes Brigette, I did just resubmit the ticket but though I'd look here to see what other ssd / hdd problems might be being seen. Some assistance would seem to be in order.

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Mo 24. Feb 2020, 21:22

Re: NVMe SSD drive TRIM or defragmented

Beitrag von ReneM » Mo 23. Nov 2020, 17:48

Could not agree more!

Those who blindly trust the program probably also believe in Santa Claus :D

The wise man fools the less wise man - that is why every year a new expensive version of Defrag comes out, but with more and more suspicious errors.

What do you really need it for, our good old Windows 10 handles the task - 100% safe and completely free - without new expensive annual versions.

May you all have a really merry Christmas :lol:
